About Sue Maitland
My journey started when I suffered the most terrible Post Natal Depression after the birth of my first child. I became a different person. It came as a complete shock at the age of 30 when I realised that I could not connect with myself, did not understand myself and had to work on ways of finding myself again.
So began an in-depth and circuitous road back to myself. It included many different aspects of healing, practise and understanding of oneself. I started working with all kinds of people practising all sorts of main stream and alternative therapies. All of them helped me to better understand my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body to different degrees.
However, when I discovered Access Consciousness® and Access Bars and Body Processes I knew I had found my solution and modality. Typically, during a session, you reach a stage of light sleep where you are aware of your surroundings yet deeply relaxed and asleep. This is called Theta sleep.
If you do some of your own research into Theta Sleep you will understand how important this type of sleep is to us. Without it our bodies are not able to heal themselves as they normally do. 20 mins of Theta sleep is equivalent to 3 – 4 hours of normal REM sleep. You can get significant results resetting and healing your body in one session.
Call me or contact me via WhatsApp on the home page, if you feel you would benefit from an informal and confidential discussion before booking an appointment. We can then set up a time for a telephone call.
My Education & Certifications
Access Consciousness® Access Bars - 2017
CBT - 2021
Healing Animal Organisation - 2022 - Equine Healing & Communication Diploma.

My Philosophy
My philosophy stems from the fact that our bodies really do know what is best for us! We are taught by media, society, role models and work environments an incorrect way and we are often no longer able to feel what is best for our bodies. Our physical bodies house our minds, thoughts, emotions and soul and if we would only calm the storm of repetitive (mostly habitual negative) thoughts, we would be able to listen to what our bodies need. The body is an enormous resource of knowledge that we in Western Society have become used to ignoring. Health is restored by grounding, become more mindful, being present in our bodies and feeling things. To become more aware of the wonder of life on earth, how amazing human contact is, to acknowledge the joyous beauty that surrounds us, to start listening to our bodies giving clear instructions on what it needs. All knowledge is there, ready for us to access.
By starting to make small changes to your lifestyle you will immediately start to feel the difference around you. There are many and various ways to do this. I will discuss different options that would suit different personality types, so you can choose your own path to finding your way back to happiness and fulfilment. Many people find in the beginning that they are not even sure of what they are looking for, but know at some deep level that all is not well. You will be guided.
These are lifestyle changes and a different way of thinking and being, not a regimented regime. It’s a journey down your own personal road towards emotional and mental health and fulfilment. It’s always a journey and each person’s journey is different and takes many different forms and time schedules. Again, you will be guided.